Cloud Skater

We partnered up with Skate Raleigh and Trophy Brewing for a rad collab: A modern, West Coast-style IPA called Cloud Skater.
boundary 2: Volume 50

If you’ve ever met the team at HALO 22, you’ll know that we love a design challenge. boundary 2 keeps us on our toes and leaves us with thoughtful, bold artwork.
CTC 2023: Setting the Stage

We refreshed the brand and rebuilt the website. Next, we produced top-notch materials that stayed on brand and helped attendees make the most of their trip.
Entertainment Vouchers from Atomic Empire

Leaning into a brand to deliver a presentation that’s as fun to give as it is to get.
The Map Print Materials

When DDI approached us to help develop a quick identity and print pieces for The Map, we were ready to roll.
Skate Raleigh Trade Show Kit

To help promote Skate Raleigh’s fundraising efforts, we pulled together a quick trade show kit—including an 8 foot backdrop and a 6 foot stretch tablecloth.
boundary 2: Volume 49

After boundary 2 moved to full-color printing, we’ve continued to embrace the two-color look for some issues and full-color for others. For b2’s 49th volume, limiting the colors for some issues resulted in haunting, somber styles to match the themes covered by the writing. For other issues, a broader palette effectively conveyed bold or even […]
The Bullpen: Downtown Durham Social District Print Materials

In summer 2022, we created an identity for The Bullpen: Downtown Durham Social District. With the identity in place, they asked us to create print materials that would inform and become a part of the social district landscape.
OIC Behavioral Health Print Materials

Art Direction: David Spratte (HALO 22)
Design and Production: Emily Combs (HALO 22)
Citizens of the Empire Shirts for Atomic Empire

Art Direction: David Spratte (HALO 22)
Design and Production: Emily Combs (HALO 22)