Reborn Clothing Co. Website

In late 2020, the team at Registered Creative kicked off a website redesign for the Reborn Clothing Co. startup. They expanded from one line of upcycled products to much, much more—and they needed a strategic plan to allow their website to expand with them. At the same time, we worked with them to upgrade their branding.

We started with site structure and content, working closely with their leadership team to develop an information architecture to fit their growing needs. After we worked through foundational pieces of content and the shop organization, we were able to start applying the new branding and develop landing pages, section templates, and more.

Each new line got its own landing page: Reborn (the main line of upcycled products represented by the homepage, including their own original pieces as well as corporate partnerships), Reborn U (their collegiate partnership line of upcycled products), and Reborn Closet (their custom upcycle product options for the general public). We found ways to highlight the big brand names they partner with, whether those were collegiate or corporate. We also set them up with templates for collegiate partnership landing pages that outline how to find the products (if not online, then directing users to the university stores). Those templates also gave them space to show off their brand ambassadors’ social media activity—students representing the brand on and off campus.

We endcapped the site with a robust footer navigation to make it easy for users to find everything they’re looking for, and to give them an opportunity to sign up to receive Reborn newsletters & sales updates.

Reborn continues to grow, and as of this writing you can shop their products online.